Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer services relating to the analysis of signatures, handwriting, anonymous notes, ink, paper, alterations, etc?

Worldwide Forensic Services Inc is a modern and fully equipped laboratory. We do offer services relating to all aspects of forensic document examination.

What do I need to submit for a handwriting analysis report?

Please visit the Submission of Documentary Evidence page for detailed instructions about the submission of a case. You can also download an evidence submission form and send it with the evidence.

Can you examine signatures or handwriting from photocopies?

We prefer to examine the original documents. If the original documents can not be made available, we can try to examine clear photocopies to reach to a conclusion.

Is forensic document examination destructive?

No, we perform non-destructive tests and return the evidence in its original state.

Can you examine signatures or handwriting from a facsimile?

Because of digitization and pixelation, the facsimiles are usually of lesser use for the analysis of signatures or handwriting.

Do you accept case documents by fax?

No, we do not accept cases via fax. You may send the documents by mail or courier, or make an appointment to deliver them personally.

What is your turnaround time?

Turnaround time depends on the current caseload, the complexity of a case, and court commitments. An estimate of the time frame can be provided at an initial consultation.

Can you tell about someone’s personality from handwriting/signatures?

We do not offer personality assessment services. Graphologists profess to provide this kind of service.

Can I straight away fax or email some documents for a preliminary examination?

Please contact us before sending the documents.

How many known signatures (specimen signatures or exemplars) are necessary for comparison purposes?

Normally 10-15 known signatures are sufficient for comparison purposes. It is always better if the known signatures are contemporary to the questioned document(s) and written under similar circumstances.

How do you compare signatures? Even my own signatures written at the same time show marked differences.

The comparison process is based on a detailed examination of the minute individualized writing characteristics. Forensic document examiners do not simply compare the pictorial appearance of letters. The individualized writing characteristics such as line quality, writing pressure, shading, slant, spacing, alignment, letter proportions, the relative positioning of letters, pen emphasis at particular points, writing speed, etc are examined and evaluated.

I compared signatures myself and they appear to have marked differences. Are they forged?

We cannot provide our opinion by just looking at a signature like a layperson. A proper comparison process requires a sufficient number of exemplars and a detailed examination and evaluation of various writing characteristics.