Our Principal
Dr. A. K. Singla
M.Sc., Ph.D. (Forensic Science), FSSocDip., MCSFS, CFE.
Dr. Singla is a court qualified senior forensic document examiner and fingerprint expert. With over 38 years of long experience, he has examined thousands of cases relating to forensic document and fingerprints examination. He has testified as an expert witness in over 500 cases.
Short Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Singla Formal Education and Designation:
Master’s Degree in Forensic Science: A two years full-time degree course, completed in the year 1981. This course included subjects integrating theoretical and practical knowledge of the study of Questioned Document Examination, Physical Analysis and Instrumentation, Forensic Chemistry and Physical Anthropology including Fingerprints.
Ph.D. Degree in Forensic Science
(Research Topic: Effect of Heredity and Environment on Handwriting)
Diploma in Document Examination (FSSocDip): Awarded by The Forensic Science Society (now Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences) and accredited by the University of Strathclyde UK.
Certified Fraud Examiner Designation: Awarded by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners USA.
Professional Expertise:
Forensic Examination of Documents. Examination and Comparison of Handwriting, Signatures, Initials and Hand-printing.
Decipherment of Altered, Erased, Faded, Indented and Obliterated Matter. Determination of Chronological Sequence of Writings/Impressions.
Ink and Paper Examinations.
Examination of Photocopies, Computer Printouts, Typed Matter and Other Machine Generated Documents.
Examination of Rubber Stamp Impressions and Embossed Seals.
Examination and Comparison of Fingerprints etc.
Professional Membership:
Member: Canadian Society of Forensic Science (Document Section).
Member: Canadian Identification Society.
Associate Member: American Academy of Forensic Sciences (Questioned Document Section).
Member: The Chartered Society of Forensic Science U.K. (Formerly known as “The Forensic Science Society”).
Associate Member: International Association for Identification U.S.A.
Member: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners U.S.A.
Member: Society for Imaging Science and Technology U.S.A.
Publications and Presentations:
Spray Paint Writings on Vertical Surfaces Executed by Spray Paint Cans: a
Preliminary Forensic Study. Problems of Forensic Science, 2014. Vol. 98, 83-90.
The Effect of Water Soaking on Ballpoint Pen Writings.
Journal of American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, 2007. Vol. 10, No. 2
Establishing the Sequence of Intersecting Ballpoint Pen and Felt-tipped Marker Strokes.
Journal of Forensic Identification, 2006. Vol.56, No.3.
Examination of Gel Pen Inks Using Physical and Thin Layer Chromatographic Examination.
Journal of American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, 2005. Vol.8, No.2.
Thin-layer Chromatography of Photocopy Toners.
Journal of Forensic Identification, 2004. Vol.54, No.1.
Water Soaked Documents: A Study on Effect of Immersion.
3rd European Academy of Forensic Science Meeting (Istanbul Turkey) September 2003.
A Study of Handwriting of Visually Impaired Persons.
International Journal of Forensic Document Examiners, Jan/Dec 1999. Vol. 5.
Line Quality Defects: Defective Writing Instruments Versus Forgery.
14th International Symposium on Forensic Sciences (Adelaide, Australia) October 1998.
Eyes Tell the Truth.
14th International Symposium on Forensic Sciences (Adelaide, Australia) October 1998.
Application of ESDA in Demonstrating Traced Forgeries.
Forensic Science International, 1995. Vol. 75.
Thin-layer Chromatographic Analysis of Some Red and Green Ballpoint Pen Inks.
The Indian Journal of Criminology and Criminalistics, 1995. Vol. 16.
A False Document Bearing Genuine Thumb Prints.
International Criminal Police Review, 1995. Vol. 75, No.1.
Determining Sequence of Intersecting Ball Pen Lines and Correctable Carbon Ribbon Strokes.
Forensic Science International, 1993. Vol. 64, No.2.
Thin-layer Chromatography of Computer Ribbon Inks.
Forensic Science International, 1992. Vol. 53, No.1.
Developing and Fixing Latent Fingerprints: A Simple Method.
Canadian Society Forensic Science Journal, 1992. Vol. 25, No.2.
Preserving ESDA Images: A New Approach.
Forensic Science International, 1991. Vol. 52, No.1.
Photographing Indented Impressions Under Oblique Light: A Simple Modification.
Journal of Forensic Science Society, 1990. Vol. 30, No. 4.
Thin-layer Chromatographic Analysis of Fiber-Tip and Hi-tech Pen Inks.
Indian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1990. Vol. 4.
Thin-layer Chromatographic Analysis of Indian Stamp Pad Inks.
Forensic Sciences International, 1989. Vol. 42, No.3.
Photographic Demonstration of Erasures and Alterations: A New Approach.
Indian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1988. Vol. 2.
A Simple Method of Determining the Sequence of Intersecting Ball Pen Lines.
Journal of Forensic Science Society, 1987. Vol. 27.
Continuing Education:
Attended the following conferences:
National Conference on Recent Trends and Advancements in Forensic Science, Punjabi University Patiala India, March 16-18, 2023. Chaired a scientific session and delivered a plenary speech.
79th American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (ASQDE) Virtual
Conference, August 10-21, 2021.
Canadian Society of Forensic Science Virtual Conference, June 21-24, 2021.
73rd American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Scientific Meeting, February
15-21, 2021.
68th Annual Conference of American Society of Questioned Document Examiners held jointly with South-Western Association of Forensic Document Examiners, Victoria, Canada, 2010.
63rd Annual Conference of American Society of Questioned Document Examiners, Montreal, Canada, 2005.
3rd European Academy of Forensic Science Meeting, Istanbul Turkey, 2003. Presented a research paper.
14th International Symposium on Forensic Science, Adelaide, Australia, 1998. Presented two research papers.
Work Experience:
Full-Time Forensic Document Examiner and Fingerprints Expert since 1983.
Please contact us for a complete CV of Dr. Singla.